Object-oriented programming
- The classic. Classes. Encapsulation. Vertical inheritance.
- Nesting. Nested classes, nested definitions.
- Everything is an object. Classes included.
- Prototypes. Singleton classes. Not-so-singleton classes that can become prototypes.
- Parameterized types. Infix types. Existential types. Covariance, contravariance, invariance.
- Invariants. Contracts.
- Traits/mixins, protocols, abstract classes. Horizontal inheritance. Multiple inheritance.
- Accessibility/visibility scopes. Private, protected, public, object-private, module-protected. The usual and the less usual.
- Open classes. Sealed classes.
- Constructors. Constructors, where the name finally really does not matter. There is no name. Primary constructors. Auxiliary constructors. Designated constructors. Convenience constructors.
- Immutability. Mutability. Frozen objects. Immutable instance variables. Class instance variables.
- Single dispatch. Multiple dispatch. Multi-methods. Dynamic value dispatch.
Functional programming
- Everything is a value. Yes, functions are values too.
- Lambda expressions. Closures. Pattern matching. Method values.
- Referential transparency. Tail-call optimizations.
- Call-with-current-continuation. Delimited continuations. Full-scale continuations. Saguro stacks.
- Compile-time and runtime meta-programming. Quasi-quotation. Fundep materialization.
- Probably a lot of buzzwords connected with this.
Type system
- Static typing. Dynamic type for multiple dispatch etc.
- Types are values, too.
- Dependent types. Works best with immutable and frozen objects.
- Union types.
- Compound types. Constrained types.
- Existential types.
- Function types. Partial function types. Curried function types.
- Dynamic runtime with optimizations available via static typing and more.
- Hot-swap code upgrades, per module unit.
- Language-agnostic.
- Interpreting or just-in-time compiling AST instead of low-level bytecode.
- Interface for native function implementations.
(to be continued…)
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